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Reaching Digital Distribution

The efforts here at SJ have been more than a decade in the making. Last night we reached a milestone with our first submission of an album for digital distribution. Finally things went right in all stages of the process and it was thrilling to see the tracks reach the uploading stage.

Music notes were dancing while uploading, much like we were.

We are pleased that the first digitally published album is the Purim, Pesach, Pirkei Avot Album. While it would be possible to see significance with any album as a first, there is something about these holidays that match our drive so perfectly. Unmasking! Freedom! and the knowing of Traditional Guidance.

While we are still waiting on our distributors to send the album to all the major music stores, it is already available for purchase directly on their site. It was heartfelt and so meaningful to see it ready and available. May it be for the reach and the good of all.

And now, back to work on all that's waiting to be made ready as well!

Our scenic workspace today in Jerusalem

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